About Me

When I first created this blog in 2011, I had already been running the real-life Temple of Athena the Savior for just over a year. It’s goal was to encourage the worship of the Old Gods in the modern world, and particularly Athena, Who at the time I considered my patroness. The Temple sponsored rituals, classes, and community projects. Since then I have had my life destroyed from the inside out, legally changed my name, closed the Temple, moved several states away, attempted to run a 5 acre homestead in the Ozarks for a few years, moved back, and started to try to rebuild who I am. 

I have been some form of Pagan or Polytheist for nearly 2 decades. My journey has been a winding one that has gone through many transformations. Like the phoenix, I have burned and been reborn multiple times. Throughout this journey I have gathered knowledge on a variety of mystical subjects. Devoted to the Gods of Olympos and Asgard, I have a passion for history and spirituality in all forms, but particularly for rebuilding the traditions of the ancient Gods in the modern world. 

So I no longer have a physical Temple, and I am not sure if that is even a goal for me now. I am feeling my way through the dark, with my eyes on the Gods Themselves. 

I am an Author, Poet, Rune-Reader, Diviner, and most importantly, a Polytheist Mystic. I have given up on defining my religion with any certainty, for whenever I think I have a handle on who I am and what system or label works best, the Gods like to come in and mess that up. 

This is my website, where I will blog my thoughts on anything I feel like, but mostly about Paganism and Polytheism, and probably homesteading as well.

I am the author of Ink In My Veins: A Collection of Contemporary Pagan Poetry, and Songs of Praise: Hymns to the Gods of Greece. I seem to be eternally working on the forthcoming Journey to Olympos: A Modern Spiritual Odyssey. 

I co-edited Shield of Wisdom: A Devotional in Honor of Athena and Minevra, along with Jason Ross  Inczauskis (available here), and have been published in over two dozen anthologies.

My Instagram can be found here.